Samsung May Release High-End Tizen Smartphone in June & Android Wear Watch Later


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

We have a couple of interesting Samsung rumors to share with you guys today. First, there have been several reports that Samsung is working on another smartwatch, but this one will be based upon Google's Android Wear OS technology. This would mean Samsung would have three different smartwatches/wearables with three different operating systems. The Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo use Tizen, the Gear Fit uses a proprietary OS, and this Samsung Android Wear watch would use Google's wearable version of Android. If this intel pans out it probably wouldn't be too surprising.

Samsung is infamous for throwing as many ideas at consumers as they can in the hopes that one of them will stick. It seems that Samsung believes in the concept of "volume sales." Regardless, from the looks of this news, it appears Samsung is not fully committing to Tizen until they can see if it can gain some market traction. Samsung would be covering their bets by offering the Android Wear watch in case it takes off more than their Galaxy Gear series.

Speaking of Tizen... the second Sammy rumor to share today may both confirm and slightly contradict the assumptions made from the first. There is a new rumor that Samsung will be releasing a high-end smartphone in June that will run only on their Tizen OS. Apparently, later on in the year a second mid-range version of the device will show up with Tizen also. This would show that Sammy is serious about testing out Tizen, but isn't quite ready to give up on Android anytime soon.

It will be interesting to see where Sammy takes this.

Source: UnWiredView