Samsung's Response to Limited Storage on Galaxy S4 is a Reminder of the microSD Slot


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Samsung recently responded to some of the complaints on the web regarding the low amount of storage available on the 16GB Galaxy S4. In case you missed the story previously, the 16GB SGS4 only comes with about 9GB of useable space due to all the software and the OS taking up 46% of the storage. Here is Samsung's response on the issue,

“For the Galaxy S4 16 GB model, approximately 6.85 GB occupies the system part of internal memory, which is 1 GB bigger than that of the Galaxy S3, in order to provide a high resolution display and more powerful features to our consumers. To offer the ultimate mobile experience to our users, Samsung provides a microSD slot on Galaxy S4 for extension of memory.”

Well... that was worded in a very polite way, but is still pretty cheeky of them. Ultimately, their point is perfectly valid and is probably not that big of a deal. Alternatively, one could just purchase the 32GB version of the device instead. What do you guys think? Is this something Samsung should deal with, or is it just the price we pay for all the whiz-bang features they included in the new device?
IMO, Samsung delivered a great response to the "issue." Unfortunately, consumers susbscribe to the "it is much easier to say what is wrong with something before saying what is right about it."
I don't see the issue as long as there's a microSD slot. They had to make a cheaper version so more people would buy it, and memory is the easiest thing to take away, yet still keep the devices the "same."
Not a big deal at all as far as I'm concerned. How much is a micro SD card? They *do* put the slot in the phone for a reason...LOL
The only issue I see is that the SD card is for storage. What about the growing size of apps. Not every app can be put on the SD card.
I would say manufacturers need to start advertising true available space instead of total space. An sd card as stated previously should be for storage items read pictures, music, and backup files.
What concerns me, as John alluded to, is the number of apps that cannot be installed on the SD card. Basically, any app that might have a widget you would like use. It isn't a dealbreaker for me, but it's something to think about. I'll still probably get the 32gb version. On the other hand, where else are they going to put their software?

If widgets could run from apps installed on the SD card, I probably wouldn't even care about the internal memory size (much), I'd just get a hugh SD card and call it good.
Applause for Samsung including the sd-card slot. Essentially makes the on board memory size moot. Apps do not take up much space, the majority of space is consumed by media. A certain fruit company might not get it but Samsung does. (And don't even mention the cloud. Data service is still not available every where.)
Are you just deliberately being obtuse? Or are you being serious?
I seriously don't see the issue. So there's a smaller amount of space? The SD card slot fixes that. I also didn't think the statement had any sort of attitude
The issue is that only certain things can be stored on the Micro SD card. Also, retrieval of data is significantly faster from onboard phone storage. That is why I opted for the 32 GB of the S3 when it came out. It's better to have extra storage than not enough. I have since given that phone to my my wife and got the Note 2 which is only offered in 16GB. Nice phone but I have two thirds of my phone storage used up and it is less than 6 months old and my SD card is 70% full. Ever wonder why iPhone offers 16, 32, and 64 varieties? Yes, its because of the "different strokes for different folks". (I know....there isn't an option for more storage due to no micro sd)
In a "perfect" phone. I would opt for a 64GB version with a 64GB Micro SD expansion option.
Is there even going to be a bigger version of the s4? I haven't heard anything regarding that.

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