Screen Protector for Droid


New Member
Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
Quitman, GA
If you purchase a screen protector for your Droid DO NOT Peel Off the Protective Backing of the protector before you clean the screen. Any dust particles that come in contact with the exposed back of the protector between the time that you remove the backing and applying to the screen will show up as small bubbles or circles. Don't ask how I know. :icon_evil: :mad:

I advise to clean the screen with the cloth that comes with the protective sheets. Then blow in the screen to remove any lint, then quickly remove the backing and apply the protective sheet. Do this in a dust free environment.
So I bought the three pack of screen protectors, not realizing that the Verizon guy at Customer Service did me a favor by applying the first one for me. I was so excited about my new Droid that I forgot I told him he could do that. Thirty minutes later, I notice an air bubble and laugh at myself for not "unwrapping" my new Droid completely. I totally threw away the first screen protector after my Droid had been wearing it for like 30 minutes. The funny thing is that I didn't even realize this until the other day when I went to add (what I thought was my first screen protector) to my Droid and saw that my 3-pack only had 2 screen protectors left. bummer.
I saw a neat trick on another thread but I haven't tried it to see if it works. They suggested to go into the bathroom and steam it up with the shower. I guess the reasoning is that the water vapor will cause the dust particles to sink to the floor so you can put on the protector without the threat of dust landing unnoticed on your screen.
Completely agree with the first post. I'm waiting until my 2nd attempt gets at least a LITTLE use before applying the 3rd (obviously in the bathroom next time).
Scanner wipes (though expensive) work very well. I just applied a screen skin to my Droid last week. A tiny hair made its way under though, sadly.
i just said the hell with the screen protectors....but did by the body glove..its very nice