SD is unavailable?


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
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This is my first post and I really appreciate anyone helping me. I always found this forum helpful. I don't exactly have a Samsung Galaxy S3, I have a Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0. I just bought the galaxy player a couple weeks ago and only has an 8 gb storage. So i ordered a Samsung 32 gb Micro SD card. At first, the player was reading the card and I never mounted it (I'm stupid). And now, the card is not even working. It refuses to be read, the total memory says unavailable and mounting and formatting it won't work because they're in grey. The card won't even work on my PC either. I've tried turning off and on my player with or without the SD card. Nothing is working... I really don't want to buy another SD card. This one is brand new. Anyone know why its not working and maybe know how to fix this?
