Shuji 2.5


New Member
Aug 10, 2011
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I just installed the Shuji 2.5 rom in hopes of getting better battery life. The rom installed very easily and it is running very nice. It was the first full day, I booted up at 7am and it is now 7:20 pm I have still got 70 percent battery left. I have not been using it like I usually do so I will burn up the phone tomorrow and see how it works. So far the Shuji rom is the smoothest I have ran on my droid x. I have about 10 downloaded and have tried. Liberty, and Liquid and they were very nice. But Shuji has so far given me the battery life that I am looking for.DancingNexusDancingNexusdancedroiddancedroid I love my droid x the best phone I have ever had.:happy3:
I just installed the Shuji 2.5 rom in hopes of getting better battery life. The rom installed very easily and it is running very nice. It was the first full day, I booted up at 7am and it is now 7:20 pm I have still got 70 percent battery left. I have not been using it like I usually do so I will burn up the phone tomorrow and see how it works. So far the Shuji rom is the smoothest I have ran on my droid x. I have about 10 downloaded and have tried. Liberty, and Liquid and they were very nice. But Shuji has so far given me the battery life that I am looking for.DancingNexusDancingNexusdancedroiddancedroid I love my droid x the best phone I have ever had.:happy3:

I agree. Battery life is great on this ROM. Not a lot of fancy customization like Liquid or Liberty. But great battery life and stable. Only suggestion would be to get rid of the Connect Motorola music player and install the Android Player.
I like liquid. steel. and liberty they are all excellent roms. I am looking number 1 for battery life, 2 performance. 3 customization. I have given shuji to be the best for battery so far. However I am trying
[h=3]VorteX Release Candidate RC1 [/h]I installed it at about 10 pm charged battery, left oh all night and have been using it all I can today(2;20pm). I am still at 80%. It is a little bit more customizable than shuji. But I am still playing with it. I have flashed 5 or 6 roms and enjoy messing with the droid x. I thought I had bricked it a couple of times but I think it would be hard to brick. Not impossible but hard.
Ok I installed Vortex and it had excellent battery life also. I am back to shuji. I had 18 plus hours of battery, however I did not make the calls I usually make did send alot of texts though. I will try shuji for a week of normal use and then know the facts.
Rubix probably has better battery life than Shuji.

The best thing about Shuji are the themes.
all the links to 2.5 are dead, would someone post it please?

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The links are dead because the maker of shuji is not messing with it anymore and has pulled all the download links. Try vortex rc1
I think I still have shuji I may try and upload it later on for you guys to try out.