sister forum?

thanks for the new forum...however i kinda wish we could just join all the sister android forums together. i just started with android and will be getting the incredible when it comes out. ...sorry i'm a smartphone junkie. now that i've come out and said that you know that i'm usually jumping to the latest greatest. i really like this forum and don't like having to switch forums everytime i switch android phones....i don't know,i'm sure the mods have discussed this and maybe they think separate forums are the best way to go.
any thoughts?

we were going to support it here..then thought maybe N1 but the Owners say everyone wants a dedicated forum for thier device.

So we are now over there too............'ll have to earn your posts back just like me and the staff will too :)
Post and Status do not transfer.....sorry.
i don't care about that...i'd just like to see them joined.same peeps,same format etc...

as far as the format goes...the new one is VB4..and DF and n1 haven't been upgraded far as the same peeps.....well some of the DF staff and N1 staff have ported over there we just need you guys to come on over as well
thanks for the new forum...however i kinda wish we could just join all the sister android forums together. i just started with android and will be getting the incredible when it comes out. ...sorry i'm a smartphone junkie. now that i've come out and said that you know that i'm usually jumping to the latest greatest. i really like this forum and don't like having to switch forums everytime i switch android phones....i don't know,i'm sure the mods have discussed this and maybe they think separate forums are the best way to go.
any thoughts?

we were going to support it here..then thought maybe N1 but the Owners say everyone wants a dedicated forum for thier device.

So we are now over there too............'ll have to earn your posts back just like me and the staff will too :)
Haha lol good thing I don't plan (more like can't afford lol ;p) on switching phones anytime soon ;)