SMS Limitations...


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
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I have a rooted Droid Bionic and am a Verizon customer and having issues with SMS Limitations Verizon has imposed.
I often have to send out SMS messages to a group of 80 people and have them broken into groups of 20. First group goes fine second but by the third group I have to acknowledge that I am sending to a large group and need to aknowledge each recipient. Now, to the best of my knowledge Unlimited means "No limits" and I am subscribed to an "Unlimited" SMS package. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can type these messages, click send and they will RELIABLY go to all 80 recipients?

Thanks in advance!
Have you considered trying a 3rd party SMS app - Go SMS Pro, Handcent or Chomp SMS in the market (just to name a few)...
I have Go SMS Pro installed only becuase I have to backup my SMS messages to my google account and this application compensates for Motorola's Firmware timestamp issue with SMS messages. Very limited documentation and I don't see how to send SMS messages to groups. I'll dig through and look there.
When you create a new message, if you tap the "+", you should get a list to check all the contacts you want...if you have additional numbers to add, then you can add them at the end.

You can also set up "groups" if you have specific people who always get the message. You can access your contacts / groups thru the app - mine is swiping to the right.
I see what ya mean there small. I just had Go SMS installed to fix that firmware update and have not really used it, just runs in background. I see the swipe right contact list there and the groups i have set up on my google account are indeed there. Next time I have a message to send I will try it out and see how that goes and report the results. I am afraid it will be the same result though as this appears to be a front end to the stock functionality...I think this a Bionic/Verizon issue rather than an app issue. I will report back though. Thanks for the input kid!
You are welcome and good luck!

Definitely keep us posted :)...