So did we get jipped by not getting a trackpad in the back?


Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
I notice the the Droid Pro case has that cut out in the back, someone posted a link about a different style Droid Pro that had a track pad on the back, it didn't make sense to me until I thought about how much easier it would be to scroll through web pages with the trackpad.. so, how come our phone didn't come with it? lol..
the Motorola back flip had a track pad in the back and it makes a lot of sense. When holding the phone with one hand you'd be able to just scroll down or up on web pages by using the track pad...I seriously don't know why they would remove this..
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When holding the phone with one hand you'd be able to just scroll down or up on web pages by using the track pad

Seems to me that a thumb on the screen does that well enough. A trackpad in the back seems redundant and not necessary.
I believe the advantage of this is that your thumb wouldn't be in the way while scrolling. Makes sense to me...

Also I wonder if you'd be able to use it to highlight words. I just see it as being yet another feature this phone could of had. Nobody would be forcing you to use it but I sure as hell would take full advantage of it lol..

When holding the phone with one hand you'd be able to just scroll down or up on web pages by using the track pad

Seems to me that a thumb on the screen does that well enough. A trackpad in the back seems redundant and not necessary.

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I would like to see this so-called track pad prototype. I seriously think the cutout is for cooling issues with the phone. Its well known the Pro runs a little warm and from some tear down photos I've seen, the cutout is lined up quite nicely with the processor.

With your theory though, I've been playing around "pretending" there was a trackpad there and I would have to say that ergonomically it just doesn't fit. My hand cramps after a while of playing. Furthermore I'd have to say the touchscreen is more than enough for navigation for any content thrown at me.

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I would like to see this so-called track pad prototype. I seriously think the cutout is for cooling issues with the phone. Its well known the Pro runs a little warm and from some tear down photos I've seen, the cutout is lined up quite nicely with the processor.

With your theory though, I've been playing around "pretending" there was a trackpad there and I would have to say that ergonomically it just doesn't fit. My hand cramps after a while of playing. Furthermore I'd have to say the touchscreen is more than enough for navigation for any content thrown at me.

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I would have to agree at first I was all :icon_eek: OHHHH a track pad on the back but then I realized as stated by Paul.r "Seems to me that a thumb on the screen does that well enough. A trackpad in the back seems redundant and not necessary." And also stated by Bwhite757 my hand would cramp up (i've got big hands)

Sounds like it would have been nice as an option I guess but not missing it too much
Trackball on the back would be a hassle if you ask me. When you sit it down, it can move or chose something on the screen by mistake. Also can be an issue when you carry it in your pocket.
I would be thte cutout is for heating issues as these things can get warm.
Its cold here in Charleston so it doubles as a hand warmer!
The trackpad probably uses the same technology as the resistive touch screens so the only way it would randomly select things for you is if you selected it yourself lol. Plus, if this thing did ship with the trackpad im sure you'd have the option to turn it off.

Using your finger on the screen to scroll could be enough but by that logic let's just not have a touch screen at all and just use a trackball in the front like blackberry since that would be more than enough lol..

As with your hands cramping up, mine don't so I guess it would vary by user.

As with the cut out being used to get rid of heat, I highly doubt it, I mean I can see that being used as an excuse by some verizon rep but I honestly just don't see it especially after seeing that prototype phone with the trackpad along with other Motorola phones using the trackpad in the back.

Im not saying this is a deal breaker for me but, its a feature that would of been nice to have. it sounds like some of you are trying to justify Motorola's decision to skimp on this feature. They should of added it and give the user to option to take advantage of it or not

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Oops I means capacitive screen not resistive

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I think a trackpad would be really annoying just due to the fact that you can easily touch it by accident. It also doesn't make sense from a touch screen standpoint... If you can't see what your scrolling, then move your thumb to the side.
Android is a touchscreen os. In my opinion I don't think any android phone should have a track pad or a track ball or anything other than the screen and the four buttons.

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Are you serious? Do you not remember the G1 having a trackball? Hell I think even the droid incredible has one as well to navigate screens, scroll, etc

Im not saying that this phone should have came with the trackpad and you should be forced to use it. Im saying that they should have kept that feature on the phone and give you the option.

The great thing about android in general is that they offer you variety so saying that android shouldn't have this or shouldn't have that is just being silly.

Android is a touchscreen os. I don't think any android phone should have a track pad or a track ball or anything other than the screen and the four buttons.

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