So, is my Turbo's wifi on... or off?


New Member
Jul 6, 2012
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I was checking my Turbo's battery performance today and noticed a strange thing. I knew that in the time since turning it on today, I had only turned wifi on for a short bit. I am very good at keeping wifi off unless necessary. However when checking the battery stats, it says wifi has been on the whole time.

So here's my home screen today at 4:16EST. Note that wifi is off (seemingly):

Looking at the wifi control screen, it is off:

But look at the battery stats, saying that the phone has been on battery for 7h 2m 46sec, and wifi ate 16%:

Tap on the wifi stat, and it says wifi has been on the whole time, including when these screenshots were taken:

So, how is it possible that even though I have turned off wifi and no indicator says its on, yet it is eating lots of battery and Android thinks it has been on all the time? Am I misunderstanding the displays or something?
Go to you WiFi settings.


Click on the three dots and select Advanced. Is 'Scanning always available' check?


If it is, uncheck it. Keeping this enabled allows Android to scan and report even though you have turned WiFi off.
I believe they added that in 4.0, but it was noticed immediately.

It took me a while to remember to do it when I flash.
OK, a few questions :)

Does WiFi use more of your battery than just leaving it on 4G?

What exactly did what you just did above do?

OK, a few questions :)

Does WiFi use more of your battery than just leaving it on 4G?

What exactly did what you just did above do?


When you are not connected to WiFi, your phone uses your 4G. At the same time, the WiFi is scanning for networks every 90 seconds. This scan consumes power. For this reason we turn off WiFi when we aren't using it to save some battery life.

With that being said, when you turn WiFi off you would expect it to really be off. But it isn't. By default, 'Scanning always available' is enabled, allowing Google's location services to better assist you with your location. Nice, but it still eats battery life and allows Google to track you.

So we turned that "feature" off.
WiFi consumes less battery than your 4G radio. It doesn't make sense to use both however so whichever one I am using toggles the other one off using MacroDroid.
WiFi consumes less battery than your 4G radio. It doesn't make sense to use both however so whichever one I am using toggles the other one off using MacroDroid.
I am sensing MacroDroid is a fav.
I am sensing MacroDroid is a fav.

I really tried to like Tasker. It can be tough to program it though.

MacroDroid is far easier and is constantly being improved by the dev.
Got ya!! I used to use Tasker. Not much need for it any more.
I use it to stay out of the settings app. Wifi, Bluetooth, cellular data, etc. I also use it as an app launcher and to skip songs using my volume keys when my screen is off, launch my music when the headphones are plugged in. So on and so forth.
Go to you WiFi settings.


Click on the three dots and select Advanced. Is 'Scanning always available' check?


If it is, uncheck it. Keeping this enabled allows Android to scan and report even though you have turned WiFi off.
Go to you WiFi settings.


Click on the three dots and select Advanced. Is 'Scanning always available' check?


If it is, uncheck it. Keeping this enabled allows Android to scan and report even though you have turned WiFi off.
If I uncheck this would it still turn on wifi when I walk into somewhere where I have it saved like my home
Yes, with it unchecked wifi will still continue to work normally if you have wifi turned on. All it will do is stop your wifi from constantly scanning when it doesn't need to.
Yes, with it unchecked wifi will still continue to work normally if you have wifi turned on. All it will do is stop your wifi from constantly scanning when it doesn't need to.
thamks i will give it a try