StageFright Patches Come To More Versions Of CyanogenMod


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Oct 6, 2011
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As soon as the StageFright vulnerability started making headlines the CyanogenMod team got busy patching the vuln in all their nightlies. They rolled out the patch in nightlies for CM12.1 first. Today they announced that patches have been rolled out in nightlies for versions of CyanogenMod 10.1-12.1. They went a step further and patched up all exploits and vulns that were exposed during blackhat/defcon. If you are running Cyanogenmod you will want to be sure to grab the latest update as soon as possible.

via cyanogenmod
Well as much as I'm no longer a fan of CM after their very public threats to take down the competition, one thing they have over the big guys is the ability to do fast, nightly repairs and updates. Unfortunately not every nightly update is an improvement on the one before it. In many cases a nightly update may fix one thing and then break one or more others. The big boys wouldn't dare try doing nightly bills for fear of the backlash from John and Jane Q Public. Fortunately for CM the followers are already used to the routine and it seems at times actually look forward to seeing what tonight's build will fix and what it will break almost like it's a game or form of entertainment.

I'm not so easily amused and would rather see the true fixes come out properly risen and fully cooked ~ ready to eat, rather than half baked.

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Unfortunately not every nightly update is an improvement on the one before it. In many cases a nightly update may fix one thing and then break one or more others.
And this is exactly why I stopped using CM 4+ years ago. Honestly I can't figure out how they grew as big as they did. Their crap was so buggy back in the day it was ridiculous.

S5 tap'n
It's great that the Nightlies are all patched but to your point, since there are always bugs, getting a stable release leaves user like those who run a stock OnePlus One waiting a long time to get those fixes. August is half over so it'll be interesting to see of OPO owners get a COS12.1 as promised.

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