Switching memory from sd card to phone


Mar 6, 2010
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Denver, Colo
I have a question. Is there a way to transfer files, such as music, pictures, apk's , from your old sd card to the phone then transfer them back to the new one thats preinstalled ? I would really appreciate any help because Im temporarily without a computer for a couple of weeks and I want to take advantage of all the 32Gb of memory. Thanks..
Use dropbox...upload them all and then redownload them on the TB. Or bluetooth transfer from one device to the other.
You tell dropbox what you want to be placed on the cloud and then you can redownload them on any device that can connect to Dropbox. I have all my pics uploaded there in case I lose my phone.
You tell dropbox what you want to be placed on the cloud and then you can redownload them on any device that can connect to Dropbox. I have all my pics uploaded there in case I lose my phone.

Can you do that with files and music also ? And can you transfer them to your new sd card ?