{THEME} ** DARK3R_BLU for KIN3TX v1.0 .901 Comptatible ROM

Finally got it all back...liking the blue theme...attempting pull down..will let you know

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Hey hold off on the pulldown...I'll load the pulldowns into the new framework-res and upload the update.zips for them in a couple mins
okay, here's the pulldown update.zip that is made with the updated framework from the post #29 above...

even if you did load the update.zip from earlier, you can still flash this new update.zip over it from bootstrap/CWM
Already loaded...no problem..ill reload the theme

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Some of the app menus are black...i think this happened before...or is that part of the framework?

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Got it all loaded...this version the pull down notification bars are a little darker..it makes the text easier to read...nice!!

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Yeah the pop-up menus are now black glass backgrounds, and it does make the bright blue text jump out a bit more...glad it's all loaded good now. I lost the original poster pulldown png somehow but if you wanted that all you'd need to do is take that png and place that into the update.zips framework-res.apk/res/drawable-hdpi folder and repack everything back to the update.zip and you can interchange between the two..
Charging in a wall unit..hopefully it will go through...no worries, I like f-ing with the phone...just hate it when the wife finds out it is a soft brick..nag.. nag. nag:p

Haha least i know im not the only one! :p

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