[THEME] White and Gala-S GB w/10% battery :)


any fix for this? i cant see half of my list here and it does it with every menu. im using the blue with no animations

I just flashed it and went to the same menu s you in the pic and mine was fine. When was the last time you sbfd? Only thing I can think of. Reflash the theme without wiping first and see if that fixes

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any fix for this? i cant see half of my list here and it does it with every menu. im using the blue with no animations

I just flashed it and went to the same menu s you in the pic and mine was fine. When was the last time you sbfd? Only thing I can think of. Reflash the theme without wiping first and see if that fixes

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only thing i do when i apply a theme is wipe cache first, i installed with your first set of files, i see u updated them though so ill give it a try

Update: Tried the new file, same results.. i wonder if it has something to do with transparency settings somewhere..
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is this theme made for 2.5?

Yes it is.

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ok, well im probably going to flash it then, just a quick question though. should i decide i would rather stick with the stock gummyjar theme, how would i go about uninstalling this theme? would i just have to make a backup before i flash this theme and then just restore to that? sorry, im sure its a simple question, i'vejust never dealt with themes before.. only roms xD
You should probably try and list the ROM version your "ported theme" is used with mikey.
Yea, sorry. I guess the 2.5 in the name isn't clear enough. Ill fix it now.
You should probably try and list the ROM version your "ported theme" is used with mikey.

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so should i decide i would rather stick with the stock gummyjar theme, how would i go about uninstalling this theme? would i just have to make a backup before i flash this theme and then just restore to that? sorry, im sure its a simple question, i'vejust never dealt with themes before.. just roms
That's exactly what you would do :) make sure you wipe before you restore a backup. I don't know if it matters but people have been having issues with restores.
so should i decide i would rather stick with the stock gummyjar theme, how would i go about uninstalling this theme? would i just have to make a backup before i flash this theme and then just restore to that? sorry, im sure its a simple question, i'vejust never dealt with themes before.. just roms

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is it just me or does the theme change my dock back to the froyo dock or bad install?
how do i get it back?
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