Too sensative touch screen


New Member
Feb 25, 2010
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I am a new Droid owner as of 1/30/10 and am seriously considering trading it in for something else because I find the touch screen way too sensative. I can almost never finish a text message or email or web search without it jumping to another screen because I happen to ever-so-lightly brush a point on the screen with a pinky. I mean extremely sensative. At times I'm not sure it is the mechanism in the phone that works with the phone orentation that is causing this. Not sure but I did call Motorola tech support and they had no ideas on how to adjust the touch sensativity of the screen. Is there anyone out there that has this same issue? Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. There is much to love about the Droid but, so far, it's been love-hate.
No way to adjust the screen sensitivity. My best advice would be to play with it a bit longer and try and get more accustomed to using it, but if you've already had it about a month and are still having such problems I'm not sure. Might try just putting a screen protector on it. A lot of people talk about the screen becoming slightly less sensitive when they added one (even though I personally didn't notice this when I put mine on).

edit: Dang, beat me to it
Yea I have that prob sometims to but am getting better with it. When I first got it everytime I used the phone I had 30 things opening whn I tried to make a call.. The only real thing I have a prob with is the volume buttons on the side.. I mean, I can blow on them and change the volume...
Thanks for the screen protector suggestions but I've had a protector on it since the day I bought it.
Thanks for the screen protector suggestions but I've had a protector on it since the day I bought it.

Actually I was suggesting that you get a fairly bad screen protector. Look for the one's that have had claims of reducing sensitivity.
I'll look into some bad protectors. Thanks for the heads up.
You might have a defective unit, I would suggest comparing to a friends droid, or goin to the verizon store and comparing to a demo, if yours is more sensitive i would try to swap it out for another one

Thank you for the suggestion and I did go to the Verizon store last night after work. Their tech admitted it is a problem but said my phone responded the same as his. I have 3 more days to decide if I'm gonna keep it. I'm looking into other phones. This is a great device but what good is it if you can't get through typing an email or text without it skipping to another screen?
Let 3-4 other people nearby try your phone. See if they have an issue with it. When you tried the demo in the store did you have an issue with it? The stores used to have you sit down for a free 45 minute walk thru with a store tech for a "training" session. If the problem keeps occurring during that time period then they should give you a replacement phone. I'm pretty sure these phones work fine for most people and that a solution can be found for you. It might take a little time but don't give up hope if you still want this model of phone.
I am a new Droid owner as of 1/30/10 and am seriously considering trading it in for something else because I find the touch screen way too sensative. I can almost never finish a text message or email or web search without it jumping to another screen because I happen to ever-so-lightly brush a point on the screen with a pinky. I mean extremely sensative. At times I'm not sure it is the mechanism in the phone that works with the phone orentation that is causing this. Not sure but I did call Motorola tech support and they had no ideas on how to adjust the touch sensativity of the screen. Is there anyone out there that has this same issue? Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. There is much to love about the Droid but, so far, it's been love-hate.

Go to this thread and read post #20. It is dead-on related to your problem. Good luck.