Touch Problems


New Member
Dec 10, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy S4
Wife has an S3 that has developed a screen touch response problem. Certain icons do not respond to touch while all others get desired results. It seems to be a location problem rather than with the icon; she moves the desired icon to a different location and it responds as it should. When a different icon is positioned in the problem area, it also becomes non-responsive. Problem area is midway the screen, along the right edge
Another consideration; icons can be shuffled in and out of the problem area with no difficulty. Wife says "I must have worn that spot out" !!! Local guy sez to replace screen; my thinking is to deal with it by relocation, as she is now doing. If it gets worse, then consider a replacement.
Any thoughts ??? Thanks, and Merry Christmas (it's December 24th).
Local repair shop quotes: $110 for replacement parts and $25 labor to resolve the digitizer and screen problem. Sounds like a fair price to me, especially when I have doubts about my getting desired results.
Seems like a high price seeing as how used mint S3 is going for $150 on swappa

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As the S3 is 4 years old, I wouldn't invest any $$$ repairing it. There are many options available for a new or used updated device.
Yeah, that's a tough one. While it isn't really a bad price considering, you could take that money and another 50-75 bucks and purchase something a little newer. Good luck & let us know how you make out!

S5 tap'n
Also if you are even a little mechanical doing the swap of glass and digitizer is rather simple.

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Thanks for comments. Found a mint S4 on swappa for about the same price as the repair to the S3. Old S3 will be history !!! :)
Sounds like a good decision..