Trade Google wave invite for Google voice invtie

Trading google wave invite for voice!

Anyone out there have a google voice invite they are willing to trade for a wave invite? I'd be very thankful.

I've been looking for a Wave invitation if anyone would like to share. I'd really appreciate it.
I'll trade someone a wave invite for a google voice invite also.
I will also trade some wave invites for a Voice invite. Please email me!
i have 25 wave invites will trade any number for a voice invite just pm me :)
I got some google wave invites and willing to trade for google voice invite. PM me.
I have heaps of Google Wave invites I will give away, if any one wants to throw me a Voice invite I'd appreciate it.
Voice in demand

I would love a Voice invite. Please PM me.
I can give out Voice invites to anyone interested. thvoicwethin at gmail