Turns out the Droid camera doesn't suck after all

I just used it exclusively on my vacation, worked great for pics and vids and you only need to carry one device
Was never the camera itself ... it was the software for the camera .... 5mp camera on a phone is never a downside. :)
Camera is fine outdoors, but does need work indoors. Way to much noise compared to other cameras even when using the flash.

oh I don't know, here is a shot that I took while trying to fish some cat5e out of a wall. So there is not light other than what the flash provides or any aiming what so ever, just clicking the shutter button on the touch screen, not the physical camera button.

It's great if you're outside or inside during daytime.

But if I want to take a pic at night, like when I'm at the club, for example.....it sucks.