Typing problem.


New Member
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Greets all. This is my first Droid, having just made the leap from many years with BlackBerry.
I am having a problem with typing that I can't figure out. I have disabled all corrective and predictive functions. When I'm typing, at random types the phone will produce a character twice. There seems to be no way to make it happen on purpose, it just happens. Any letter at any time will type twice whereas I pushed the key once. The phone is in mint condition and i'm certainly sure that the keyboard itself physically is ok. Any ideas or is this normal for this phone?
Thanks all. Nice to be here.

This phone is so much faster than my old 'Berry. :) Excluding this typing issue, it's a genuine pleasure to use thus far.
My phone does this as well. I have never been able to figure out why. Some letters are worse than others, the letter "s" is the worst offender although I see it on other letters as well.
well, for laughs I contacted VZ tech support and they claimed it was not a known issue. I bet its a software thing, as its my understanding that once upon a time the spacebar caused some folks Droids to freeze up. Oh well.
well, for laughs I contacted VZ tech support and they claimed it was not a known issue. I bet its a software thing, as its my understanding that once upon a time the spacebar caused some folks Droids to freeze up. Oh well.
Yeah, Verizon never seems to know of any issues... :icon_eek: It's annoying but not too big a deal. I think it's like key bounce, if you hold it down a fraction of a second to long it repeats. It could be worse... :)