Unable to delete failed exchange account w/ hotmail


New Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Warren, Michgan
I tried to add a corporate sync through hotmail, and it would work for a while then stop. However, that's not my issue. Somewhere in between removing that one, and trying again I ended up with a" ghost" account. It says its corporate sync, it has the same email address as my failed attempts. Yet it will not let me open it, or remove it. If I try to open it, the username field is empty and shadowed out, and the password is blank. If I enter in my pass, and try to log in it will tell me I need a username. Which I can't enter.

Sooo I decided to try and remove it, but when I click the remove button, it does nothing. Ii tried to add another and delete it, but the other account deleted just fine. Is there anyway to remove this without reformatting my phone? Or am I just going to have to tough it out.

I thank you all who may reply in advance for helping out.

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I am having the same problem with my Droid X. I ended up just adding the account in again and it is there twice. I think you have to factory reset to remove it completely
Yep, this happened to me also. Had to Hard Reset the phone. What a pain!
Change your password

I had this same problem. I am changing jobs and needed to remove my old work email account. I changed the password on that account and my Droid X could no longer connect. This allowed me to get to those account settings that I could not find before. At the bottom of the settings page is a button for removing account. Good Luck!
I had this issue on my D2. As far as I could tell, it's a bug - and as far as I know, only a factory wipe will get rid of it. Huge pain in the ass is huge.