upgrading to 901? heres everything you need and what to do.

Where can we find the files for download? As we all know megaupload is no longer available.

Where can we find the files for download? As we all know megaupload is no longer available.


I'm trying to get my girlfriend to send them to me now so I can find a place to upload them. I downloaded them on her computer earlier last month, sadly she lives on the other side of the states. hopefully she didn't delete them. :frown:
Will this method work if I am on .894?

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Should work for you. I upgraded to .901 from .894. After it reverted me back, however, I verified forever root before updating the radio. Worked fine for me.

Liftedplane: I found the files elsewhere, so I'm good, but others might need the files if you find them. Thanks anyway.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Thanks Use I appreciate the response.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Only other thing I would suggest is do a nandroid backup first.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I'm soooo behind.... I have yet to flash this and now i have lost my chance.... Will one of you kind kind fellows be able to uplopad the files to a different host... stupid government stepping in and closing megaupload is really cramping my style. Any help would be immensely helpful!!!
You can get them at eclipserom.com

Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic v2.1 RC 1

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