UPnP/DLNA Player for Droid? (for connecting to TVersity)


New Member
Mar 18, 2010
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So far in my experience with the Droid, it really does do everything, however, a friend of mine just got an iPhone 4 and was bragging about how much better it was because he could connect to a remote DLNA server. He was using an app called Media Link Player Lite to flawlessly connect to my TVersity media server over 3G, and play the files sequentially.

So far, all of the UPnP apps I have found like AndroMote only work on the local network, I even tried some other app from the market that I paid 100 yen for, but I refunded it immediately afterward, as it was too limited to local networks.

Right now the only method of connecting to my server is through the browser. If I go to the regular media library it's a simple directory listing, so I can get a list of files but I can only click one link at once which only loads one song into the media player. I can go to the flash library because I have 2.2 but the way tversity's flash applet works it is nearly impossible to navigate with a touch screen.

Has anyone found an app that will simply connect to a DLNA/UPnP server like TVersity and play files? If not has anyone found any work arounds to get TVersity to work with the Droid?

Thanks in advance for your replies.
So far in my experience with the Droid, it really does do everything, however, a friend of mine just got an iPhone 4 and was bragging about how much better it was because he could connect to a remote DLNA server. He was using an app called Media Link Player Lite to flawlessly connect to my TVersity media server over 3G, and play the files sequentially.

So far, all of the UPnP apps I have found like AndroMote only work on the local network, I even tried some other app from the market that I paid 100 yen for, but I refunded it immediately afterward, as it was too limited to local networks.

Right now the only method of connecting to my server is through the browser. If I go to the regular media library it's a simple directory listing, so I can get a list of files but I can only click one link at once which only loads one song into the media player. I can go to the flash library because I have 2.2 but the way tversity's flash applet works it is nearly impossible to navigate with a touch screen.

Has anyone found an app that will simply connect to a DLNA/UPnP server like TVersity and play files? If not has anyone found any work arounds to get TVersity to work with the Droid?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Hello there,

first thing I'd like to address is Don't feel discouraged by your friend. I want to emphasize this to a great extent because no matter what features he has, Apple isn't friends with Google, and this will lead to the utter downfall to the iPhone - as it does not have Adobe Flash either (atleast not yet). My basic point is that Apple doesn't support very many open source apps (if any at all), meaning sure, he can connect to the TVersity, but that's probably all he's going to be able to get that is even remotely close to streaming his media.

Second - Droid has many apps that connects to different types of servers. Droid has the ability, if someone made an app for it, to connect to a video server. Being that you can install 3rd party apps (off market apps) all you'd need to do is find a dev that is making that type of software and download the installer package to your device. So just do enough searching and you'll eventually find a way to stream the same media.

Hoped this helped.
Hey, first of all thanks for your reply.

I would like to clarify that I know all about the open source benefits of Android. I was merely being taunted by my friend because I was bragging about my Flash support, screaming "DROID DOES" in his face. Then he just HAD to go find something his iPhone 4 had an app for that the droid doesn't.


For now I am using Subsonic. I didn't want to have to run another server program if I didn't have to but Subsonic has turned me around. The regular web browser UI it has is far better than TVersity's flash UI.

So for now I will be using the programs in tandem, but if anyone hears of anything as far as a non-wifi DLNA player they should totally let me know.

Thanks again.
Try subsonic app. you can connect to your PC either 3G or Wifi and play any of your music. nice interface as well. The only thing is you need to know a little about networking in order to connect through 3G. you'll need to setup Port forwarding and a dns client especially if you have a dynamic IP address for your home internet, which you most likely do. Your home IP address changes all the time so you need the DNs client to manage this automatically for you.
you can also connect to your PC running tversity with your Droid using any web browser. again you will have to set up Port forwarding and a DNA client. you can also get your pics or videos on your pc this way. the only thing is the interface its crappy. if you only want music use subsonic. or just get a 32G sd card and put all your music on that.
Remember your Droid is basically a computer with a linux Os, so anything is possible.
I completely support this thread and the search for a proper DLNA client app for the droid. That would just be awesome as I run a DLNA server to connect my PS3 to my PC already.
I have not tested yet, but if you do in fact run TVersity, I know you can enable http support and even http support with flash (looking towards 2.2) but I have not checked the performance on this. An app of course would be a great addition.
I have not tried this feature, but I know that ArkMC application has VPN functionality. You can try free version of this app.