USB to Micro USB

Any USB-MicroUSB will work for you.
I havent had good luck with bad quality (like mertline) micro usb cables on my droid. All my good quality ones like from work fine though. Mono price actully might even be cheaper then meritline and are MUCH better quality.
you could also just get an extension USB cable. It has a male and a female end on it. Then you just plug the male end into your charger and the female end into the USB-USBmicro cable you already have. That's what I did. You can find them at pretty much any computer store. Don't pay more than $6. is the best imo. Cheap as heck and lots of sizes to choose from, they also sell the usb cig lighter adapters for ur car. That's what I use and the shipping is pretty darn quick as well.