USB transfer mode with a broken power button?


New Member
Nov 17, 2009
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I'm getting a new droid due to a broken power button (which I have been living with) and now the microphone stopped working.

However, I'd like to flash the phone back to new before sending it back (rooted, etc, etc).

I'd hate for them to boot into recovery mode and see clockwork recovery :)

You apparently can't get RSD Lite to work unless you can boot the phone and hold the D-Pad up & hold down the power button.

I can't hold down the power button due to it being broke.

Any idea?

Tldr; Need to access USB transfer mode for RSD Lite but my power button is broken

Thanks in advance!!!
Someone might have a better suggestion but I would just take the battery out to power down. Since the phone will be plugged into the computer when you power down, as soon as you put the battery back in it will turn back on automatically. Press up on the Dpad and then slip back in the battery, you should go right into the bootloader screen.
Someone might have a better suggestion but I would just take the battery out to power down. Since the phone will be plugged into the computer when you power down, as soon as you put the battery back in it will turn back on automatically. Press up on the Dpad and then slip back in the battery, you should go right into the bootloader screen.

I've tried this a few times. It seems that the power button + dpad up is a combination, and not a sequence of just turning on the phone and holding the dpad up :(

I just gave it another try and no bueno :(
I just tried it with mine and it went right to the bootloader screen without touching the power button. Do you have the dpad pressed down before you pop back in the battery? If you pop in the battery and then press the dpad it won't work.
Wow. I got in the replacement phone and you're right. It works on the new phone (without pressing anything around the power button). Maybe something else is screwed up with this phone. I will keep tinkering thank you for the help!
Wow, check this out.

If I do as you say and hold up before I slap the battery in, the backlight turns on and it just sits and spins for a few minutes, goes black, backlight turns on again...

It's like I broke that screen or something.

Thanks again!