Verizon Breach of Contract?


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego
Verizon Reneging On Written Contract

Saga continues. Verizon has changed my data feature twice now w/o my authorization.
They are also reneging on my new contract. I have the contract and a email from Verizon
that I could keep unltd data with a subsidized phone. Plus a chat printout which says the same.

Small claims or a real contract atty? Any Advice from someone who's been down this road?

Do they have some weasel clauses in the contract that allows them to do this? Or am I just getting
low level drones when calling in?
AFAIK, the only way you can keep unlimited data while paying the subsidized price is to upgrade on another line or open another line and then transferring the phone to the unlimited line. If you used the upgrade on your unlimited line then it would bump you to a tiered plan.
AFAIK, the only way you can keep unlimited data while paying the subsidized price is to upgrade on another line or open another line and then transferring the phone to the unlimited line. If you used the upgrade on your unlimited line then it would bump you to a tiered plan.

You are correct. There is no way to keep it any other scenario.
All I can say is good luck mate :).

Note 3 ~ 5s
Are you one of the "glitch" people? In that case they may be able to take your data plan because you processed an upgrade KNOWINGLY taking advantage of Verizon when they were down. Every person that cried during the glitch already knew that big reds policy was no more unlimited plans on subsidized phone upgrades. I think some people just need to accept the fact that unlimited data with Verizon will be gone in the near future....

sent from my Hot Galaxy Note 3 ;-)
Never!!! I will never accept it...doesn't mean it won't be going away ;) lol..
What's being missed here is that when I did the upgrade the other day my new contract showed unltd data and email. Verizon accepted my money. After the fact of a new contract which I printed out showing unltd data they are changing it. I'll be escalating thru our corp. business to Verizon rep.
If this cannot be fixed I'll be taking the phone back within the 14 day period and unwinding the deal. There are other ways around this. I'll also be talking to a contract atty as I see it they are in serious breach unless they have some escape clauses in the fine print. Time to study the fine print. To be cont.....
If they changed the contract as you claim, considering all the above caveats, then they did in fact breach their contract. That would normally (at the minimum) relive you of upholding your end. They can't make a change without your OK or agreeing to it in some way.
So you're going to retain an attorney in order to continue business with a company you're not happy with?
Checking out all options. Was happy till they pulled this nonsense. They put the contract back to what I have in writing multiple times and I'll be good.

So you're going to retain an attorney in order to continue business with a company you're not happy with?
Lets us know how it goes...

sent from my Hot Galaxy Note 3 ;-)
Win For Me!

After repeated phone calls and emails with V reps promising to look into this and get back with me I was getting nowhere.
I went down to the local Verizon corp. store and asked for the highest ranking mgr. Took my contract and print out from when i upgraded online with me.
Store mgr. said he'd look into it. He was more than responsive with updates etc. He escalated it to a executive team which put my unlimited data plan back.
They couldn't deny a legal document. Got a nice apology phone call and my unlimited data plan with discount put back on. Win for me.

Lets us know how it goes...

sent from my Hot Galaxy Note 3 ;-)