Verizon customer service


New Member
Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
Las Vegas
On Wednesday night Dec. 23rd at about 6:30 PM I called Verizon customer service to report a problem with my Droid. They were very nice and said that they would send me out a new phone. At 10:00 AM the next morning my new Droid arrived at my door! This despite that I told them that there was no rush, because my phone was still working OK.
Now that's customer service! :D
Glad to hear it. I always here people complaining about Verizons customer service, but the few times I have had to call them over the years, they have been great.
I think the default for verizon with sending out equipment is always next day business. Our business deals with them all the time and also i personally do. They always next day business everything. I've always had, with the exception of once, a person on the phone that was nice and treated me nicely. But of course there are always going to be once in awhile you get a jerk or someone that just doesn't know what they are talking about.