Verizon Moto G Only $100 Off Contract at Best Buy as Soon as They Arrive


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

It looks like great deals on Motorola devices are not stopping with the Moto X. Best Buy will be selling the Moto G at a ridiculous off contract price of only $99.99. Obviously this is a great price on a solid device for folks who don't need the fancier bells & whistles found on other devices. Originally, Best Buy was planning on holding these new $100 Moto G smartphones to start selling on January 9th, but they have reportedly rescinded that policy. Best Buy spokesman Jonathan Sandler said, “the phone is currently landing in stores and is available for sale as soon as it arrives.”

You might head into your local Best Buy this weekend to pick one of these up. At this price it might make for a great "back-up" smartphone or maybe a good device for your kids...

Source: TalkAndroid
I could definitely live with most of this phone's specs, but I believe it has no 4G radio, correct? That I couldn't live with. (also, I believe you meant to say "are NOT stopping").
Yep... I let several typos slip in this one. :blink:

Thanks for calling that one to my attention so I could see them all! OP Updated. :)
I just looked at the specs for the phone, and it states nothing about 4G, or even LTE access.
It does have Bluetooth, and a digital zoom for the camera, with 720P HD video for both front and rear imagers.
Its network systems are as follows:
WiFi: 802.11b/g/n and bluetooth version 4.0
GPS: GPS, GLONASS (unsure if GPS is actually AGPS)

I guess my wife has decided that I get one for my birthday, and for hers, she gets one as well, good thing we have a month separation of our respective 'holidays'...But the good news is.....I get mine first!
I better stay low, my wife has excellent aim!
DSCF1047.JPGA small part of my collection, including my highly prized Apollo XI coin I got when I watched that mission lift off in 1969.
My best day of my life (as a 10 year old, that is).
My wife and I don't need 4G, so this would be perfect. Big question though is whether VZW will sell this as pre-paid only and whether I will be able to use PagePlus. Otherwise I might be forced to 'downgrade' to at&t for this device.
So does this mean that I can buy the phone for $100 and not connect to data and just use it as a reader for my Nook and Kindle books? It would make a great light weight reader that I could hold for a lot longer than my 7" tablet. I hate having to cycle my HTC One battery with so many recharges to use it for my reader.
$100 for a phone marginally less powerful than my 2-yr old Rezound, and with not LTE. What a steal!!!!
$100 for a phone marginally less powerful than my 2-yr old Rezound, and with not LTE. What a steal!!!!

Just an FYI the rezound has a dual-core snapdragon 300 and the Moto G has a quad-core snapdragon 400 so the G is actually more powerful than the rezound...
$100 for a phone marginally less powerful than my 2-yr old Rezound, and with not LTE. What a steal!!!!

I'll bet you won't be able to cook eggs on the battery back like the Rezound either.

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