verizon release date pushed

menudo18 said:
I think i need to upgrade because my contract is up next month and correct me if im wrong but Verizon should be able to force me into one of their new plans since my contract is up.

As of right now Verizon can not force you on to a new plain. you have to sign a new contract for you to lose your unlimited data. Call Verizon and complain about their new data plains they might might give you a early upgrade. They gave me 3 early upgrades. They only allowed me to order 1 Samsung galaxy S3 so I ordered two more nexus. I am going to keep them in the box and sell them later.
Im due for an upgrade but i want the S3 if i upgrade. I was able to upgrade in March.
menudo18 said:
Im due for an upgrade but i want the S3 if i upgrade. I was able to upgrade in March.

I am sorry I thought you were saying your upgrade was not available until next month. You should be able to order the SGS3 then. Just make sure you do it before the 28th our they will make you switch to the family shared data plains
Thanks i just checked with the chat agent online and he said the same thing upgrade by the 27th or you have to change data or pay outright for the phone.