Viber and the LG Spectrum


New Member
Feb 15, 2012
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So I have been using this app on my older phone called Viber. Its a VOIP app that lets you send free txts and calls to others who have this. Anyway, putting this on the LG Spectrum seems to not work well. The problem is I can hear the other person fine but they can not hear me at all. Well they can hear a little something but can not understand what I am saying. When I plug my headset in then they hear nothing at all.
I have tried this on WiFi and 3/4G with the same.
Any ideas or tips?

EDIT: Seems to be a mic issue of some sort. The volume at other callers hear me is
extremely low. This happens in Skype too. Is there a way to boost the mic pick up?
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This is an official representative of Viber Media.

@YoungGuner- We haven't thoroughly tested Viber on this specific device yet. You can check out our list of officially supported devices at: Can't download from Android market... | Viber Support

However, in the meantime, the new version, 2.1.3, for Android is available in the Android Market for your upgrade.You can try it out and we would be happy to receive your feedback on how it works on your device so we could improve Viber accordingly.

We are continuously working to adapt Viber to more and more devices.

If you have more questions, we invite you to visit our Facebook page.
It's our duty to help our users :)
If you have any more questions/suggestions regarding Viber, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks for the replies.
I have updated to 2.1.4 and the same problem still seems to exists (callers still have hard time hearing me). Now though since the update, Viber seems to "Not Respond" and want to Force Close during calls. Also, I can't seem to download images people send me through Viber anymore..

Please try uninstalling Viber on both phones (you and the other side of the call), reboot phones, then reinstall Viber from Market/AppStore. Problem stays?