VIDEO [MOD] Patched Google Wallet For The Galaxy S4


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Oct 6, 2011
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Above is the video guide for how to install working patched Google Wallet to the Verizon variant of the Galaxy S4. Of course Verizon has been known for blocking Google Wallet since it directly competes with their upcoming ISIS. The guide is quite lengthy but if you can follow directions you should have no problem at all.

Open1Your1Eyes0's full written instructions here and modified Google Wallet APK can be found here.

Will give this a try tomorrow. Thanks!

⇒ Tapatalked from my Galaxy S4 ⇐
So all went well and it is working, but after I changed the build prop to GNEX it changed my battery percentage to be bigger. Once I changed it back to the S4 it didn't change it back. :(





Any ideas? After I changed my build prob and rebooted it did the "Android is updating" thing on my 166 applications, but never did that after I changed it back. Not sure if this is normal or not but I see your battery percentage is still small like it should be.

Edit: I also noticed that my phone is listed at a GNEX in the Playstore as well.
Well Play Store went back to showing my correct phone, however, the battery percentage is still wrong.

Not too big of a deal though, checked Google Wallet and confirmed it works at Whole Foods here in town.

Hey Wicked, that Google Wallet hack on the Nottach Xposed app, the Google Wallet hack in there? Think that will do the same thing without having to change device model?

Might flash back to my backup and try it.

Sent from my Galaxy S4