Voice Search & Browser Questions

Dec 7, 2009
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I have three questions and I have searched on this forum and elsewhere and played with the phone and can't figure these things out.

1) Under the home screen go to settings > Search > Searchable items I see there are several options including Apps

I have found that I can say almost anything and I will get a google search results list. If I say "navigate x" I will be given directions to x, and if I say "call y" I will be able to select which phone number of my contact named y, unless I say "call y mobile" in which case y's mobile number will be called. My question is can I start applications or search for music or youtube videos? It certainly looks like it, but what are the key words for this to work once you have enabled these options?

2) When I do a search using the method above for something on the web, I've noticed that the search results page is not loaded when you click on the default browser. Example: I search for droidforums and the results page comes up, so I click on a result that isn't want I want, but looks interesting. Then I get a phone call, forget about my search and come back later by pressing the browser but all I get is the result I clicked on, I can't seem to get back to my results unless I repeat my search. Is there a way to access this?

3) I started using Chrome as my browser and it doesn't look like there is a way to sync bookmarks between my droid and desktop, though google bookmarks is a way to store bookmarks in the cloud, so I set that up as my home page. How do you access your homepage? I don't see a button for this, the only time the browser seems to look for the homepage is when it first loads, but since it is running most of the time, I don't see that setting a homepage is very valuable. Am I missing something?

Thank you in advance for all help/information.
Anyone know the answer for any of these three, even if you don't know the answers to all? Thank you.
any responses? exactly what i want to know.

Any results? I have the same issues.
the home page pops up when you go to the "windows" tab and close all of the open windows.

Thats a very interesting question about searching the market..never even thought about it but after i read your post i tried all the key words i could think of and i couldent get it to search the market.
I haven't figured this out yet.. but I haven't spend any time on the issue either..