What are your kernel settings and how's it working?


Feb 25, 2011
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You know, what kernel, governors, frequencies, color and gamma settings etc...and how's battery life?
Just looking for some ideas..
I've been using Franco's for a while now and with his app I have hotplugging on, turned my logger off, changed my gamma and color control to the app recommended ones and it looks great, performs even better and has awesome battery life.
on Franco's Nightly, hotplug governor, 386-1036 mHz... um yeah, app recommended color/ gamma settings. and i'm getting about a day and a half on battery.

pretty wicked.
Imoseyon's experimental 180mhz kernel. Underclocked to 180 and stock 1200 Max. Stock kernel settings.
I've been using Franco's for a while now and with his app I have hotplugging on, turned my logger off, changed my gamma and color control to the app recommended ones and it looks great, performs even better and has awesome battery life.
thats how i have mine set up and is doing real well