What Happened? Phone resets itself...


New Member
May 7, 2010
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On my way to work this morning, I did my usual routine...grab the phone off the charger, turn it on, put it in its holder and head out the door. Get to work 45 minutes later, grab the phone to check email only to find it is really hot. It looks like it's going through a reboot cycle or something. Then after about 5 minutes of trying to figure out what it going on, it asks me all the original setup questions - like English?, shows how to use the on-screen keyboard, set up facebook (etc) accounts, link to my Google account, et. al. After all that, my worst fear was realized...it LOST ALL OF MY DATA. Well, except for my contacts which was downloaded from my Google account. No phone call history, no email information, no application data, nothing.

To say the least, this is a little, no a LOT disconcerting. :icon_evil: I guess the saving grace is that at least the market place remembers which apps I've already purchased so I won't have to buy them again.

Any idea what happened?

On my way to work this morning, I did my usual routine...grab the phone off the charger, turn it on, put it in its holder and head out the door. Get to work 45 minutes later, grab the phone to check email only to find it is really hot. It looks like it's going through a reboot cycle or something. Then after about 5 minutes of trying to figure out what it going on, it asks me all the original setup questions - like English?, shows how to use the on-screen keyboard, set up facebook (etc) accounts, link to my Google account, et. al. After all that, my worst fear was realized...it LOST ALL OF MY DATA. Well, except for my contacts which was downloaded from my Google account. No phone call history, no email information, no application data, nothing.

To say the least, this is a little, no a LOT disconcerting. :icon_evil: I guess the saving grace is that at least the market place remembers which apps I've already purchased so I won't have to buy them again.

Any idea what happened?


Well it sounds like it somehow did a factory data reset. But you shouldn't have lost your email, that should all be backed up in gmail for you.

Phone history and all that would also be deleted. I don't think this is user error, but it doesn't make sense that the whole phone would do this type of reset on it's own.

I'm not tat familiar with the Incredible to speak as to how it might have happened, my best advise to you is just to see if it happens again then get a replacement. It shouldn't be doing that on it's own.
The contacts were recovered only because I have a Gmail account and have all my contacts there. However, the gmail email account I set up, along with about 3 others I have, were all gone.

This is the first time this has happened since I got the phone in May of this year. I wonder if there was an update of some kind pushed to the phone while it was booting up in my holder. Hmmm...
It is called a boot loop and it is pretty much fatal. Call VZW and get them to send you a new one because once it starts this stupid stuff it will only do it again.

There's a few things that could have caused this....none easy to diagnose after the fact. VZW will not replace your phone. What you can do is call tech support and they can note that it did this on your account. Then if it does it again you may have a case for a warranty replacement. Assuming you're not rooted of course. But unless it does this infront of someone at the store you're showing them a functioning phone and asking for a replacement.
So get it noted on your account and hope it was a fluke.

Sent from somewhere...
Tech support replaced mine but then again every time they asked me to try and do something to troubleshoot it the thing would reboot. They told me it is a known issue with no fix other than replacement

Good idea about getting it noted on the account with tech support. Hadn't thought about that. And no, the phone is not rooted. It's still a plain, "vanilla" phone.

It booted up fine today. Probably because I was "watching" it this time!!
Interesting. Mine rebooted by itself last night, but did not go all the way back to factory settings. It did lose two apps (TripIt and Angry Birds). I reinstalled those, ran them, and all data was still there. Very odd.
Resets once in two days!!!!!!

My phone, a non-rooted HTC Desire HD, has been resetting itself consistently, once every two days. Now I am so used to this that it is kind of an automated part of my routine. Once I find it reset, I go through the minimum steps required and then go to the Market (on the PC) and then get it to the mobile from there.

the post is just to see if others have the same observation.. I have confirmed that
1. This is not related to the apps installed.
2. Not related to the temperature of the phone.
3. Happens only when the phone is being charged......

Now this is going to seem spooky, but leave the phone in charge and then place it on the table. When you sense activity, see the screen.. If unlocked, some apps are launched, some calls are made, some keys are typed etc. All seemingly at random. Go into Message mode. I thought I can see the keys being pressed, and make some sense of it.. I can see the keys being pressed, but I still am not able to make any sense of it. Even when I leave the phone on charge in a locked state, activities still happen. I see icons jumping around, trying to launch themselves.. After this though, it WILL reset.

Tried running many free Antivirus apps, and all of them say that the phone is alright. Removed the card, formatted it and still no luck.

BTW, is this the ONLY forum where this behavior is mentioned???? And is sending the phone back to them the ONLY solution??