What happened to the format here?

Hmmm very strange. I'm seeing the sections correctly. Ill get some staff in here to see if they can replicate the issue.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums

Just to reiterate, some of us forced the app closed it worked OK for a while and then gave us the no section error on the Nexus ROM section.

I can't clear it to fix it (now).

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
My problem is that my "participated threads" says 0. I force closed and logged back in and it worked until I changed to "dark" in settings....then they disappeared again and force close will not bring them back again.

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
Same here 0 participated threads but its coming and going. No big deal though :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Another thing is that the icons next to the thread categories is broken too.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
That's one week and counting that the people who run the board can't find time to fix this section.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
It does seem that if you log out all is fine with the form (at least for me). Haven't tried logging back in on my phone to see if it re-breaks itself or not, but that at least allowed me to get to my GummyNex forum :D
You can get there if logged in too but only if you drill down from through the forum list (the same way you access the section when not logged in.)

It is when you choose it in favorites that the problem occurs. I think it is because the section is not just a collection of ROM headings but also allows messages along side of the ROM list.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums