what job supports your Droid?

I am a graduate student, so i use my phone mostly for personal reasons. But i do use it to check emails from students and to search for research journal papers. I also use a periodic table app in lab and the calculator and pandora. the calender and planner are very important to keep all of my teaching labs and classes/research organized. (the games are very helpful to pass the time).
I am self employed. I use ACT by Sage to keep track of my customers and CompanionLink to sync to my Google account. The calendar on my phone has been essential to me for business since long before smart phones were on the scene - if I didn't have an alarm to alert me of appointments I'd never be able to keep my schedule straight.

I'm a wedding DJ so I maintain a YouTube page showcasing my work and at times it's handy to show clients videos right on my phone. I also keep pictures of my lighting options on my phone.

I use the tethering app to obtain song requests on the spot even when they're not in my collection. I am self employed. I use ACT by Sage to keep track of my customers and CompanionLink to sync to my Google account. The calendar on my phone has been essential to me for business since long before smart phones were on the scene - if I didn't have an alarm to alert me of appointments I'd never be able to keep my schedule straight.

I'm a wedding DJ so I maintain a YouTube page showcasing my work and at times it's handy to show clients videos right on my phone. I also keep pictures of my lighting options on my phone.

I use the tethering app to obtain song requests on the spot even when they're not in my collection. I'll even use the music player as a backup in the event my computer fails (though for most events I have 2 computers onsite so this is really only for bars where I just take my small setup with my laptop).

There is a DMX app which helps set up intelligent lighting. DMX is a control mechanism where each light has a unique address in a chain. The settings can be quite complicated but with an app it's easy.

Most of these things I also did on my iPhone and my Windows mobile phones too. In most cases the droid is as good at or better than the iPhone for the same function and in all cases it beats the tar out of WinMo. The modern smart phone is like a swiss army knife for business if you take the time to figure out ways to make it work for you.
So what kind of job do you have that you use your Droid for? Is there any apps that help you do your job alittle easer? This should be a good thread...
Does "parent" qualify? :)

At this point I have integrated SO much of my daily life into my google calendar that I probably couldn't live without Calendar Pad Pro and Pure Calendar.
I am a computer Tech for a school district and I find myself using my phone all the time for emails, google, vcn, i use phonemypc to do live views to see if kids are doing anything they wrong, the cam comes in handy music when i am stuck out side the office working on a long issue, note apps for info i need to keep and so on. I also work on cars on the side and use it for that. I am also in the National Guard and use it for keeping track of drills, when we have down time I use it to keep me awake.
I work on classified technology for a defense contractor and I'm not allowed to have my Droid in the building. :-(
i work for footlocker, doin work on sales floor and stock, when im in stock tho, i tend ro just have A online radio/Pandora app running in background for music since it' gets quite back there. txt ppl and use camera app to take pics of new shoes in stock
So what kind of job do you have that you use your Droid for? Is there any apps that help you do your job alittle easer? This should be a good thread...

Corporate Email keeps me conected to all my business associates.

Corporate Calendar keeps me on task.

Documents 2 Go allows me to write reports, balance spreadsheets and even do PP presentations on the go.

E-Pocrates allows me to challenge my Pharmacy Tech students on the fly (they hate it).

Google Maps get's me to my appointments.

Internet (browsers and google seacrh) allow me to do research on the fly.

Dictionary allows me to spell things correctly as well as look up those terms I hear in a presentation that just fly right over my head.

Bubble has come in handy many times as we just moved into a new facility and we are changing walls, hanging pictures...and such.

Calculator...do I even have to explain this one?

Farty Fart! I use it to break the monotony of a high powered conference. It takes the edge off when stress level go up.

All the rest are toys. And I do have a lot of toys on my Droid.
