When it comes to Android Sprint/TMobile Don't


Official DF Vendor
Premium Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Tuscaloosa ROLL TIDE, AL
you would think these marketing execs at Sprint and T-Mobile would get a clue... it's bad enough that they spend about $50 a week for advertising but, when they do they FAIL to mention that these superphones they are pushing USE Android..

BAD MOVE.... yeah the genius button is cool but, that's google voice and search you're using...

VZW, Google and Moto have done an outstanding job informing the world that Android is the Bomb and instead of riding the wave these idiots barely mention it at all...

people that look at the myTouch on TV don't have a clue it's an Android phone... Same with Sprint and EVO, Moment, Hero

Vent over...
you would think these marketing execs at Sprint and T-Mobile would get a clue... it's bad enough that they spend about $50 a week for advertising but, when they do they FAIL to mention that these superphones they are pushing USE Android..

BAD MOVE.... yeah the genius button is cool but, that's google voice and search you're using...

VZW, Google and Moto have done an outstanding job informing the world that Android is the Bomb and instead of riding the wave these idiots barely mention it at all...

people that look at the myTouch on TV don't have a clue it's an Android phone... Same with Sprint and EVO, Moment, Hero

Vent over...

Haha every time I see a commercial come on thats advertising one of their new upcoming phone I see the android os come up yet they never mention it. It's really funny that they don't ride the train because they could be making so much more money from it.
Sprint is in a extremely dire financial situation. I'm not as sure about t-mob. Neither company has as much cash to throw at advertising as VZW.
Yeah that's true...Oh, I saw a Boost commercial tonight touting a phone running Android.
Only Sprint commercial I see is for the Evo. The evolution of technology or what ever starting from the wheel
you would think these marketing execs at Sprint and T-Mobile would get a clue... it's bad enough that they spend about $50 a week for advertising but, when they do they FAIL to mention that these superphones they are pushing USE Android..
The average consumer doesn't care about the OS on the phone and the geeks already know. If you're unhappy with their marketing then why don't you apply to work with them and fix things?