Why isn't my charger working?


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Galaxy S4
A lot of times when I plug my phone to charge, a message pops up saying, "To charge faster, please use charger phone originally came with." I am in fact using the original charger. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Are these chargers known to expire after a certain amount of time? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A lot of times when I plug my phone to charge, a message pops up saying, "To charge faster, please use charger phone originally came with." I am in fact using the original charger. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Are these chargers known to expire after a certain amount of time? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like the cable. Try another cable and see if the issue goes away.
Yes, the cable could be at fault. It's an easy swap to check if the cable is at fault.

If the cable isn't at fault then there are two other possibilities. It could actually be a failing power supply. Changes in the voltage or current levels produced will produce a "signature" that is different than the phone is expecting to see and that can result in it thinking it's not the stock charger.

The other possibility is the phone's internal metering system could be misreading the output and the same results could be obtained.

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.