Wifi Disconnects


New Member
Nov 28, 2009
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I have a Droid connected to a D-Link DI-524 router. It has WEP enabled and is broadcasting it's SSID. The connect is established fine and I can use it for while. But I then get seemingly random disconnects. The strangest part is that I sometimes have 3G and Wifi show up in the status bar at the same time. My 3G coverage where I'm at is very spotty at the moment, as is all cell signal. Anyone have any ideas why it would be disconnecting?

Came here hoping to find an answer to this, I have the same issue, but only seems to happen here at home. I am using WPA though, not WEP, and using an Apple Time Capsule as my router. I guess I will dig out an old linksys wifi I have and set it up with WEP and see if that works. Dont want to re-configure all my devices just yet.
Can someone please help us with this. I have the Time Capsule as well and I'm in the same boat. Don't have good reception at home but I can be 6 feet away from the router in the living room and have it disconnect on me. I'm really not liking this phone so far. Have had it for about 3 weeks now. There are certainly some features it has that my iPhone didn't but issues like this really make me miss it. Only signed a 1 year deal with Verizon in hopes that they get it before or about that time. I will be switching back. Just couldn't deal with AT&T anymore.
Seems this is still an unresolved issue with the Droid. I will be switching to the Nexus One as soon as its available for VZ even if I have to pay full price.