(WIP)Black n Bold by thebowers

I got a big donation ready if this ever gets ported to Sapphire 1.1! :D

I 2nd this. Count me in if you decide to make this happen. I believe there are more than a few peeps that feel the same. And if it helps. And if it helps.... I'll say "Please!"
Poll is up in the section now for what rom to go to. Highest one gets the cake, so tell your friends :)
I second that the port to X

I have most of your widgets already moved over but im too chicken to try to mess with framework or other color changes myself.




Thats all I was able to use since the X is a 2.1 rom. Would be very sweet to have the rest of it as I do on my Moto Droid 1's.
Sapphire Theme is now up. The link to the thread is in the OP or look in the Sapphire section for it. Also on A side note, this thread will be going away and a new fresh one with the links to the specific threads for each rom will take it's place.
LiQuID v1.6 is out now - give that a try!

This is far and away the best, most cohesive theme that I have used. My biggest problem is that LFY1.5 is not running very well on my phone. I am going to try playing with a few different kernels, but if it doesn't improve, I will be trying the CM6 final that was just released. Any chance of a port to CM? I don't think I will be happy with any other theme for the foreseeable future.
I love this theme bowers.. EXCELLENT work. There's a few things I'm hoping you can help me with.

- Do you have the stock wallpaper available for download?
- I can't seem to locate the LauncherPro dock/icons downloads.
- The themed Google Voice just will not install for me for some unknown reason.
- Is there any chance you could add an additional Beautiful Widgets to match BnB that is 'naked' without the chrome?

Thanks so much for your hard work and contributions!
First off what do you mean by "stock" wallpaper? LP dock backgrounds are in my thread for supported roms, and I have not put the icons with it yet. GV should install unless the rom you are using has it already installed in /system/app. Then it needs to be removed from there and a reboot may be needed. For the BW skin are you referring to just the mesh part? If so you can set the background to transparent.
First off what do you mean by "stock" wallpaper? LP dock backgrounds are in my thread for supported roms, and I have not put the icons with it yet. GV should install unless the rom you are using has it already installed in /system/app. Then it needs to be removed from there and a reboot may be needed. For the BW skin are you referring to just the mesh part? If so you can set the background to transparent.

Thanks very much for the prompt response. The wallpaper that you have in the screenshots is what I'm after. The black wood grain looking one. I am going to try and reinstall GV and see what happens. That is the .apk name that you have listed correct? Thank very much for the BW skin advice. Going to check out the LP dock now.

Edit: Thanks for your assistance sir. Everything works perfectly now. I was also wondering if you have a black Facebook icon laying around somewhere in your vault of wonder?
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First off what do you mean by "stock" wallpaper? LP dock backgrounds are in my thread for supported roms, and I have not put the icons with it yet. GV should install unless the rom you are using has it already installed in /system/app. Then it needs to be removed from there and a reboot may be needed. For the BW skin are you referring to just the mesh part? If so you can set the background to transparent.

Thanks very much for the prompt response. The wallpaper that you have in the screenshots is what I'm after. The black wood grain looking one. I am going to try and reinstall GV and see what happens. That is the .apk name that you have listed correct? Thank very much for the BW skin advice. Going to check out the LP dock now.

here is the wallpaper
First off what do you mean by "stock" wallpaper? LP dock backgrounds are in my thread for supported roms, and I have not put the icons with it yet. GV should install unless the rom you are using has it already installed in /system/app. Then it needs to be removed from there and a reboot may be needed. For the BW skin are you referring to just the mesh part? If so you can set the background to transparent.

Thanks very much for the prompt response. The wallpaper that you have in the screenshots is what I'm after. The black wood grain looking one. I am going to try and reinstall GV and see what happens. That is the .apk name that you have listed correct? Thank very much for the BW skin advice. Going to check out the LP dock now.

here is the wallpaper

Perfect. I also found a black Facebook icon, I'm editing the .apk now to see what happens. It suits BnB perfectly. Many thanks again.