Wired or Wireless Tethering problems


Feb 10, 2010
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I really hope this is the right place to post this. I tried searching for an answer but I can't find one with my problem. Sorry for the long post but I have been really trying everything possible to fix this.

First off I have a droid 1. I have used a bunch of version of bugless beast and simply stunning. Also many different kernels low voltage ultra low medium and different speeds. Also I had my phone replaced under warranty since the headphone jack stopped working. I know it is a newer model since this one won't let me use low voltage kernels with BB without boot looping and the previous phone I had did. A coworker at work has the same exact problem with low voltage kernels. Now I am just ranting...

I have tried the following applications and also different newer versions, older versions, experimental versions of the program Wireless tether for root users, Wired tether for root users, PDANet, EasyTether.

My problem seems to be when tethering my phone almost always changes to 1x or even analog. Usually full 5 bars as well. Sometimes it has a 3G signal and it refuses to transmit data. The up and down arrows won't even stay lit like it is transmitting anything. Turning on air plane mode on then off fixes for a few mins then problem happens again. Rebooting fixes for a few mins then starts again. This causes "page can not be displayed" when browsing internet. If I enjoy the pain I keep hitting F5 and wait. Or reboot and F5. Or change the SSID and password and channel just for fun. It fixes for a few minutes then back to the problem above. Even rebooting my laptop doesn't always work.

I figured it is my building at work. We have repeaters all over the building on ceiling that boosts our signal. If I am not tethering it is 3G 5 bars anywhere. So then I figure it is the webpage. I happen to play an online text MMORPG (torn city) so its not youtube or anything massive. There are some pictures but not large sized ones. So I use the phone browser after turning off the tethering app and have no issues loading.

OK so I tried in another location. My dad was in the hospital for a few days and I was there almost the whole weekend. It happened to be in a city 2hour drive away but still 3G 5 bars in the building. Same problem as described above when tethering. OK so I try browser on phone and website works fine.

3rd try back at home I drove to a parking lot and put my phone on the roof of my car. 3G 5bars rinse and repeat same problem with tethering, no problem just using stock browser on my phone. At this point I am yelling at my phone.

I understand it isn't a "legal" application to use but I am frustrated that I can't figure out why it does this. Am I the only one having this problem? Maybe I am just crazy. <--- Take that back I am super crazy for doing so many troubleshooting steps. :icon_ banana:
If you read everything up to this point bless your heart <3
I have encountered this before with my Droid 2 -- what helped me was knowing exactly which background apps were using network data at the same time I was tethering (ie facebook sync, gmail sync, calendar sync, weather updates, blah, blah, blah).
-Try to make sure nothing else is using data when you tether.
-Try tethering from the stock rom (so you know the problem isn't the custom rom) ...however, this eliminates your wifi tether option, but pdanet is great
-Try initiating a tether, waiting 30+ minutes, and see if it is still in 1X

I've noticed that my phone doesn't do well handling lots of network IO simultaneously, but it is very good handling one job at a time.

Other thoughts -- I ride the train home from work every day, where I change cell towers every minute. If the phone starts a download (like from market or pandora) in 1X, it will stay in 1X until the job completes -- whether there was a 3G tower nearby or not. Sometimes I have to turn data off, then back on to force it to reconnect (hoping for 3G).
That seems impossible is there an app that will monitor your data use? I mean I can sign out of facebook, turn off the sync button on the power widget, delete beautiful weather widget, and sign out of google talk/voice. I don't know of anything else that would be doing data other then if I get a phone call or txt message.
That seems impossible is there an app that will monitor your data use? I mean I can sign out of facebook, turn off the sync button on the power widget, delete beautiful weather widget, and sign out of google talk/voice. I don't know of anything else that would be doing data other then if I get a phone call or txt message.
