Worlds Largest Extended Battery For The Galaxy S4 Reviewed!


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Oct 6, 2011
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If you want better battery life for your Galaxy S4 you could install a Rom, you could just use your phone less, or you could go buy a giant battery for your phone! ZeroLemon has created a behemoth 7500 mah battery. The stock battery is 2600mah and last me all day. This battery has to last days or for some even a full week. If you don't like to charge your battery the ZeroLemon 7500mah extended battery may be for you.
Wow!!!! :icon_eek:

.....or in the words of Johnny Guitar Watson, "that's a real mother for ya, yeah."
My son has the 9300mah for the Note2 and he loves it. Not gonna lie, its like carrying a brick around, but for a 16 year old no problem. The case isn't as tight as I would like, but as long as your not in a woodshop or some other extremely dirty place it is adequate. Now only if we could tap our phones into it for power when needed that would be cool.