Would you trade a Bionic for D4?


Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Have an upgrade available, REALLY would like that keyboard. Do you think it's worth it to switch from my Bionic?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Just depends on how much you want a physical keyboard, I don't think either phone will get a lot of devs working on it. But if your going to run stock, then its strictly on you personal preference

Sent from my AXI0M IONIC using DroidForums
Hackers keyboard

Before you make the switch try the Hackers Keyboard.
I use to be an LG Ally guy who LOVED my keyboard and wasnt happy with my Bionic because of it.
But Now since I found the Hackers keyboard. I LOVE IT. I now think its better than a slide out keyboard anyday.
I would never go back.

However I do think the D4 looks awesome. I just would be unhappy with a smaller screen.
I also like the long press option that the Hacker keyboard gives you for things like the Question mark.
It is very well thought out and fast.
I would only recommend the Droid 4 to someone who REQUIRED a physical keyboard. There are better phones out there.
Well I am not sure I would go that far. Its basically a razr with a keyboard and slightly smaller screen. And better phones? Like nexus rezound or spectrum? I Believe most of that is oppinion. Their 1.5 processor vs the 1.2 of the d4 or razr bench test very similar. So all that to say.... I wouldn't knock it.
Well I am not sure I would go that far. Its basically a razr with a keyboard and slightly smaller screen. And better phones? Like nexus rezound or spectrum? I Believe most of that is oppinion. Their 1.5 processor vs the 1.2 of the d4 or razr bench test very similar. So all that to say.... I wouldn't knock it.

WOW. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. GTFO of the Droid 4 section please, you're polluting our nice little corner of the website.
I really rattled you didn't I lol. Just take a deep breath and say.... "its just the internet. It doesn't really matter"