Your Chromecast is Highjackable... Sort of.


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Oct 6, 2011
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How annoying would it be if anyone could access your Chromecast and play whatever they wanted all while making your Chromecast unacceptable to you. Thanks to an exploit in the way that the Chromecast wifi works this is possible although it is pretty unlikely. A security consultant, Dan Petro, put together a proof of concept showing how the Chromecast can be highjacked. His creation the "RickMote" is made up of a Raspberry Pi , a few wifi cards, and a touch screen. I wouldn't be to worried about this happening in your home since it takes a bit of know how, and also whoever wished to hijack your Chromecast would need to be in range of your network and their own. If they did decide to try it out, as soon as they are out of range the Chromecast would be yours to control once again. Check out the RickMote in action in the video above.
I am sure Google will kick out an update to close that exploit (at least I hope so). With that said I see the exploit useless as you have to be in someone else's house to view the content unless all you are trying to do is annoy them.
I am sure Google will kick out an update to close that exploit (at least I hope so). With that said I see the exploit useless as you have to be in someone else's house to view the content unless all you are trying to do is annoy them.
I would say there's a large group of people on the internet that enjoy annoying people just to annoy them.