To say we have been anxiously awaiting any new intel regarding the "Motorola X Phone" that was rumored last year is a huge understatement. Luckily, our hidden friends in high places within the industry haven't let us down.
We have some new "rumint" today regarding the super-hot phantom device, and we just couldn't wait to share it. We want to preface this with the disclaimer that we have not been able to find any secondary corroboration for this news, and the source is not the most solid we have used, but the content of the rumor seems very plausible. For the sake of possibilities and potentialities we thought it worth-while to offer it for your perusal. Here's what we have heard:
- The new Motorola X Phone will be a 5-inch device, but the display will be edge-to-edge, and nearly bezel-free. This means it will actually look and feel smaller than a Samsung Galaxy S III.
- The X Phone will not be a Nexus device. However, while this may initially bring unhappiness to some, apparently this phone will be Motorola's first cross-carrier (hence the X-name) branded phone, free from the tether of Verizon. It is designed to be it's own new hyper-competitive brand.
- Additionally, the Moto X-Phone will be the first device to ship with Android 5.0/Key Lime Pie and will be announced at the same time as the next mobile OS during Google I/O later this year.
- Finally, while this will not be a Nexus device, supposedly, Motorola has been working hard to create a UI that both compliments & enhances the Android experience, and is intended to be Nexus-like. Additionally, they are working on a variety of software add-ons to improve the functionality of the device further, much like several of Samsung's software features, like S Beam for example.
Thanks for the tip anonymous!
For more discussions on this rumored device, follow the link: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/motorola-x-phone-forum/