4.5.573 to stock 2.2 or to current version.. Help please


New Member
Sep 19, 2011
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So about 6 months or more ago I flashed to the .573 version of gingerbread.. I didnt start having issues until recently but well I am kinda noob at this stuff..


Keyboard goes funky and I end up having to wipe and reset back to fresh install.
Voice texting has disappeared..

Now my problem with getting it back to stock or some sort of current version..

RSD lite 4.9 will not recognize my phone..

I have done the following.. Not sure what I am missing.
installed RSD Lite 4.9 Windows 7 64
Installed the drivers from moto
shut down the phone while plugged in
booted back up into bootloader mode and I get nothing on RSD lite.. Does not recognize..

I am not sure where to go or what to do from this point.. like I said I am kinda noob at this.. I just want a functional phone whether it be moving up to a current version of the pre-rooted GB or going back to stock then letting the phone catch verzions updates all the way to the current version.. Any help would be appreciated..
try putting the phone in bootloader before you plug it in, and/or having it in bootloader and plugged in already when you open RSD Lite (or if that is what you were trying already, try opening RSD Lite and then plugging in the phone). Sometimes something that simple can make then difference. Maybe try a different USB port as well
Just tried those as you were responding.. And Neither seemed to fix this..
not sure why you're seeing this problem, it sounds to me like you've done everything right. I have heard about people experiencing problems with Windows 7 64bit and RSD Lite but I am not a Windows user so I can't be of much help there

I would try a different SBF method, there are a few I believe. This, in my opinion, is the easiest: Linux solution to your Windows/RSD lite problems
wow that thread is completely awesome.. I am going to try this now.. the guy that made that is a friggin genius.. Thanks !
he really is, that's the only method I use when I have to SBF my phone

good luck, and let me know how it works for you :)