Attach Droid to tripod?

The other possibility is take an extra battery cover and epoxy the appropriate size nut to it. Then you can just swap battery covers when you need the tripod.
So you can take horrible, blurry pictures? How would this be marketed?
i don't think my creation could be marketed at all because it looks hideous and will probably break at some point, but it works for now and takes good pictures of food as it is stable. for sure, if someone could come up with an attractive, easily attatchable case with a hole that fits onto any universal tripod, that would be a seller, i'll buy one!!! but why doesnt motorola just put a universal tripod attatchment on the phone, like a digicam or videocam? that would be sweet! they could even then sell their own brand of tripods at the store and make even more money. mo money mo money mo money! i miss that show, remember homey the clown? maybe i'll go you tube in living color on my phone, love it! HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY, parade day here in pennsylvania :beer2:
One could just by a tripod and get some double stick adhesive pads and put it on the flat camera mount on top of the tripod.

But this whole jerry rigging talk has me thinking of that contest college students do with eggs, try and make a contraption they can put the egg in and drop it 3 stories without the egg breaking..anyone willing to try with their droid? ;)
But this whole jerry rigging talk has me thinking of that contest college students do with eggs, try and make a contraption they can put the egg in and drop it 3 stories without the egg breaking..anyone willing to try with their droid? ;)
We did that in high school physics. Mine worked!
Check this out!!!!!

Works perfect and I can just snap it on


  • Picture 1.png
    Picture 1.png
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Awesome! Now I have to make one :)

Some constructive criticism though.... Next time glue the case to the inside of the bracket. That way the weight of the phone is over the center of the tripod instead of hanging over the side of it. Weight in middle = good :)

... although with something this light it hardly matters. Nice job!
I'm actually an iPhone 4 user (I know, I know), but this Tripod that I picked up for $7 works awesome with my iPhone and my buddies Droid ... it's adjustable. The top piece comes off so that you can use it with any tripod, not just the mini-tripod that it comes with.

Here's the eBay link:

... and a photo of my phone in the adjustable mount:

A tripod for the camera is required. 3. Time to dedicate to the review, some reviews can take up A LOT ... Every fan attached to a heatsink has a dead spot in the center where the fan blades attach to the hub.

Um.. what?
Mounting your Droid X on a tripod.

I have successfully mounted my Droid X onto a tripod by doing the following. I had a body glove case for my Droid X that I didn't like because it didn't provide as much protection as the Otter Box so it was just laying around. The body Glove case has a belt clamp on the back. I simply removed the mounting plate from my tripod, took out the main mounting screw that would normally screw into the camcorder and replaced it with a 2" long flathead machine screw. Insert the mounting plate back onto the tripod. Presuming you have put your Droid into the body glove case, just clamp the belt clamp over the screw. You could add some velcro to the bottom to reinforce the attachment if you wanted. I used a small lightweight SONY tripod but any tripod will work. I can pan, tilt, raise, etc... Works great
Just a tip: If you make a tripod mount, attach a magnet to the back to trigger a dock. Use tasker to make the dock go to the camera app!
I know this is an old thread, but I was searching for the answer myself. What I've been using is a standard microphone stand with a soft plastic clip - my Droid X2 fits perfectly in the gap of the microphone clip, but the stand itself is very limiting for such things as panning.

Today I found an adapter that will allow me to screw the microphone clip onto a standard tripod. It adapts the 1/4" - 20 female to 5/8" - 27 male, witch matches the male threads of the tripod mount to the female threads of the microphone clip. I've ordered it ($16.85 US with shipping) and will see how it works. For anyone with shop skills, as mentioned before, it would be pretty easy to fabricate such an adapter. Google "Windtech M7 adapter" if you want to find one.