bionic cancelled

That would b nice, but unlimited 4g was suspose to be gone already.... Its pretty high in price otherwise.... $30 for 5g that u can run through in 30 min. Then its gonna b like $5 a g after that..... It adds up

Droid X

I do not think they would get rid of unlimited 4G until it is working correctly. I hope they would delay it as long as possible...
I dont think there gonna get rid of it for quite awhile. Except for the speed my TB actually runs better on 3G. 5 gigs is a lot of data. Im a internet freak . I had my DX set up so every time I opened an email on AOL it went to internet and I used it alot at the end of the mointh I didnt even use 1 gig. unless your using it to tether your wireles devices you aint gonna use it up. If you have 3G now yoiu are grandfathered in.
Email through your browser is not alot of data...streaming hd video content on your phone or constantly streaming music through internet radio consumes considerable data...and what is an A-O-L? LoL

The switch must be reading the same articles we do because we all know we're on borrowed time, but thanks to their LTE network problems with hardware and outages we're hanging on hopefully long enough for the DB to drop.
Im an old fart Ive had AOL forever wish I didnt but now all my stuff is there it would a real pain in the butt to switch. AOL sucks lol. I dont stream music or anything I didnt realize it used so much data what do you expect from an old fart lol. Your wright though they wouldnt dare raise the price or anything now. Dont know if you read the articles but there saying it might not be the Bionic thats holding things up but 4G Lte may be the reason
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Im an old fart Ive had AOL forever wish I didnt but now all my stuff is there it would a real pain in the a$$ to switch. AOL sucks lol. I dont stream music or anything I didnt realize it used so much data what do you expect from an old fart lol. Your wright though they wouldnt dare raise the price or anything now. Dont know if you read the articles but there saying it might not be the Bionic thats holding things up but 4G Lte may be the reason
Fix it VZW!!,SO WE CAN HAVE OUR BIONIC,like b 4 JESUS comes back would b NICE!!!!!:icon_ banana:
Yada yada yada! Lol

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Haha..just bustin balls... need to pass the time to get to this piece of awesomeness as my OG falls apart slowly in front of my eyes.
This is probably a stupid question I have only been in the forum about a month and a half. What does og mean? Lol

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Oh ty that's D1 my sister still has that phone. And the screen is cracked from corner to corner but she upgrades next month then I upgrade July I'm still hoping for the bionic this! Lol

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The OG is were it is at. I gave mine to my friend after i got my Bolt. God i miss that phone, especially since the Bolts update. Now I have battery life issues and random power cycles. Don't get me wrong, for the most part I love my Bolt but those two issues annoy me. It's alright because I only got it to hold me over until the Bionic or something better comes along, then I am giving it to my daughter.

/} () £ 7
I see the same concept with the pc gaming market where a substandard product is released to turn profit and patched in the months ahead. So finally when all the bugs are ironed out a few months later you now have a fully operational phone that lacks in hardware compared to something that was just released...rinse and repeat. ecckkk corporations suuuuckkkk