Bizarre VPN issue on Droid Incredible


New Member
May 3, 2010
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Hey -
I set up a PPTP server at my office for my phone to be able to connect with no encryption, which apparently is necessary for these phones (or at least it was the limitation at the time, when i set it up).

It's worked just fine, but several weeks ago stopped working. It says something about not being able to connect to the server, and that i may be behind a firewall. This is on the cell network, not connected to wifi

Here's the strange thing. If i connect to the wifi at the office and then try to set up the PPTP connection, it works fine (which tells me it's not a matter of not being able to authenticate, etc.). But if i try it using the cell network, then it doesn't, it hangs up. I can use my laptop to connect to the IP address the phone is connecting to (from outside the network) and it connects fine, it's just the phone that has the problem.

Any ideas? Does Verizon limit this traffic now or something!? All the settings are correct, and due to my troubleshooting process i've ruled out that it can't authenticate, or that it's connecting to the wrong server.

what gives?


New Member
May 3, 2010
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I just tested the VPN by connecting my phone to an outside WIFI network, and it works just fine.

So basically i can't establish a VPN over the cell network.. i have to be connected to someone's WIFI. Is that normal!?