Changing gmail accounts


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Hoping someone can help:

I recently changed jobs and I need to delete the gmail account from my old job off my droid. When i first synced that email account it automatically linked all my existing contacts to that email. so when i try to delete it it deletes all my contacts. Is there a way to change the email account that a contact is linked with? The password has been changed on that email account so im also constantly getting an error message that the account cannot sync.
I am basically in the same situation. I need to delete the former employer email account(I am also getting the sync errors). I have a Razor M and with Android 4.1.1. Two issues: I need to delete the email account and I need to preserve the contacts. This OS version just updated a week or so ago and it changed how the accounts are accessed.
Login to the new Gmail account on a laptop, and import the contacts from the old Gmail account into the new account. If you don't know how to import the contacts, Google how to import contacts from one Gmail to another.

Then go into accounts and sync in your phone settings and choose the new Gmail account. Make sure the sync contacts option is selected. Now you can delete the old Gmail account from the account and syn settings. Your phone will now sync all your contacts with the new Gmail address, and you don't have to worry about your old account error message since it has been deleted.
I have imported contacts into a new Gmail account that's syncs to the my phone and deleted old Gmail accounts from my phone before, so yes it works.