data usage and wifi


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
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I recently am looking into buying a droid, specifically the droid x or pro from verizon and I am probably going to get minimum data package of 15 dollars or so which gives me about 150mb of data usage. I am not a heavy user with the internet just time to time do some web browsing and emails and was wondering if this will last me for a month if i am a light user. Also i have noticed that the weather and news is on wen you get the phone and was wondering if this uses up your data package when your phone is on and off and how much does it use up if so. Also can i conserve mt data mb's and use my phone at home using wi fi? Because this way I would have to use my data package mbs. Thank you for reading and any responds would be helpful and appreciative.
To answer your questions in order:

Probably not. Yes. Yes, this is the only way you can use data on your phone and not get nailed -- WiFi. It's why they include a WiFi chip on the phone. :)

:welcome: to the forum! :)
To clarify, when I say probably not I mean if you included the WiFi data you used in addition to the 3G data you used then I can pretty much guarantee you'd go over -- but WiFi-streamed data doesn't count against your 3G total. If you NEVER stream music on the go, or use Nav, Google Maps, and only check your e-mail, instant message, and/or web-browse occasionally when you're not on WiFi you should be fine. Just don't count on it. Install the My Verizon app and keep an eye on your data use religiously. You can always jump up to the $30 plan if you see yourself needing it at a later date.
thank you for the advice and i mean that if i am home, can i use my own wifi at home, the same as i use on my laptop to use internet on my phone without using up my 150mb or so of 3g data? and how much data will the stuff that come with the phone already installed be using such as the news and weather?
Welcome! I do not know the answer to your question. However, it seems that if you connect via wifi your 3G should not be charged.
WiFi data at home/work/other WiFi source = no charge. This data is not monitored by Verizon.

3G data when not at home/work/other WiFi source = 150MB limit before you get charged.

Weather and news use data, be it 3G or WiFi, so they'll push you towards your 3G data limit if they're active when you're not on WiFi.
thank you for the info and is there a way to disable the news, weather and anything else that would come with the phone that would use up my data mbs withut me even knowing?
You can remove any app that you want. Just be careful.