[ROM] DeMONiC BeAn AOSP Jeally bean


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Trav, I've looked but couldn't find the answer as a lot of links were dead. In went to download AOKP 4 (newest JB build) but I want to know if you worked on that at all? It just says Bean as the name of the ROM (as in said links were dead). I'm assuming that's the same one.. But I wanted to know if you worked on that as I saw your name listed somewhere.

Is this new build based off that new AOKP build? I should go read changelog first. But honestly if this is still ICS based in think I'll flash this one as JB has given the me minor issues on some games I like playing. Problem is on my replacement phone which I need tons end my old one back ASAP but can't as I had everything ready to flash a new rom on it last night.. And I had both phones in my hand and my ass went in and wiped sdcard partition plus system partition so now it has no OS on it. And nonway to restore a backup. Fine.. I downloaded a factory image off Peterson Site and tried to fastboot that one and it's just been hanging on Google screen for 25 minutes.

Does it normally take that long after you restore a factory image after using fastboot? Never has on me before. Was using wugs toolkit for most of it. Maybe I'll manually do it. But I need to this this new phone back up and running ASAP. That's another issue though...
Yeah I think I'll stick to using this instead of JB once I get it downloaded here in a sec. I guess since I can't get fastboot working I will just push this into sdcard partition and just go into recovery and flash it from there. Thanks for the update.. And I read changelog so only question I have left is... Didn't out work on the JB AOKP at all? Maybe you were just credited for something. I don't kniw
this is jelly bean . not understanding why it wouldnt be?
Yeah excuse me. I've been running around juggling phones and a dozen other things :) This is what I had been using lol. And what's on this phone now. Sorry with that said.. Still would like to know if work was done on the AOKP Bean 4 build.. If so I'll try that one as well. I just hope I can push this rom over and flash. Don't see why not.

I feel stupid. Lol... In was thinking I was reading an old BlackiCE thread *facepalm*
Ok so it's downloaded... And the title says it's axiomcs-gnex... ? Is that supposed today that? Pretty sure this isn't axiom unless link was wrong
Thanks bro. I looked around in build prop and it is indeed the real deal. Naming it axiom makes nonsense but lol. And in seeing its based off the black-bean4 that unwashed going to flash so I'm glad I found this first. Thanks all.
OK this isn't based off black bean . I renamed the ROM axiomcs my ROMs for bionic also. Its based off droidconcepts ROM.

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Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Link fixed. My bad

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